Air walker boots are used for stress fractures, shin splints, severe ankle sprains and/or a broken foot or ankle. This type of support helps to stabilize the area and promote healing by protecting the area during the healing process.
Back Braces
A back brace is designed to limit motion of the spine in cases of fracture or operative fusions; they can also be worn as a preventative measure against progressive conditions.
Carpal Tunnel Braces
If detected early, carpal tunnel symptoms can often be relieved with simple measures like wearing a wrist splint.
Knee Braces
Knee braces have a variety of uses—from everyday wear or orthopedic support for rehabilitation to injury prevention while playing sports or exercising.
Post Surgery Hip Kits
Post-surgery hip kits consist of a collection of products that are designed to help improve independence and address issues of reach after undergoing hip-replacement surgery.